Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bathing Suits....

Check OUT

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

WRIF ROCK GIRL Competition

Like most Michigan residents I lost my dream job over a year ago, and have been fighting through the cluttered job market to get back to “life”. I worked for General Motors advertising agency and like many individuals that were employed in Automotive Industry that career path has faded.

I am currently in competition for a career at 101.1 WRIF, yes it’s a competition. I am looking at this opportunity like any other interview I have gone on before but this time it is 100% public and the public helps decide if I am the right candidate. So I am reaching out to all of you and want to explain why I NEED this position and how I am perfect for it!

I need this position to survive here in Michigan. If I do not get this opportunity I am faced with having to look out of State for a job. I am fed up with digging into my savings to keep my house in Gibraltar MI. I am a smart, educated person and my talents can greatly benefit 101.1 WRIF. I have 7 years experience in Media, 5 of which has been consumed with radio. I have the “must have fun” attitude! I am a jack of all trades and sometimes I have too many hobbies. I am the girl that has more guy friends than girls because I love fishing, hunting, riding dirt bikes, sports, spending the day on the boat, riding HD all day and just getting dirty! So if you are voting for me because I am HOT...well thanks :) but I am much more than that.

So here is what I need you to do! Go on and join their Cyber Crew Club. It takes 30 seconds, it will confirm your membership in your email and then you will be allowed to vote. I have made it to the sexy 16 round already. Starting Monday April 19th through May 2nd votes counted will take me to the Exotic 8. Please tell everyone you know and vote as many times as you can…every day!

Round 2 Monday April 19 to Sunday May 2
-vote multiple times

Round 3 Monday May 3rd to Sunday May 20th
-Vote multiple times

Keep checking for updates and my facebook!/pages/VOTE-FOR-MELISSA-WRIF-ROCK-GIRL/106802529356018?ref=ts

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday, November 5, 2009


When I open my eyes in the morning I want to start off my day by telling myself everything happens for a reason! Or is that just some cliché we say to others in a time of comfort; that yes things normally work themselves out its not the end of the world.

I met an “older” man (mid 40’s…ha its funny how that does not seem old to me anymore) in walmart yesterday. As I was standing there trying to decide on what cereal I wanted, which is a very hard decision for me…I LOVE cereal. I could not help notice this man checking out all the boxes as well. We met eyes, I smiled and he began to talk! He mentioned how expensive things are getting for him after losing his job. He claimed to miss this summer so he could take full advantage of his garden. After taking a glance in his cart I noticed it was quit bare and his list still full. This broke my heart.

So maybe what I should tell myself in the morning is…everyone deals with hardship one way or the other and it could be worse.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is one of my favorite poems by Jewel Kilcher

So Just Kiss me
So just kiss me and let my hair messy itself in your fingers tell me nothing needs to be done-no clocks need winding. There is no bell without a voice needing to borrow my own instead, let me steady myself in the arms of a man who won't ask me to be what he needs, but lets me exist as i am a blonde flame a hurricane wrapped up in a tiny body that wil come to his arms like the safest harbor for mending.