Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lost Faith

My faith in people is becoming lost by the hundreds, thousands maybe millions of people in the world that will amount to nothing. That their demented thoughts and actions lead their life right to the innocent. People amaze me on a daily basis. Good should always out weight the bad but in today’s society how is that possible?

Nothing makes me more sick than turning on the 6 o'clock news. Their breaking stories. Their desire to be the first to report the tragedy with every gory detail. To paint a picture of innocent victims which I have now been placed in that storyline. Plagued by the freedom of the Internet and hurt by gaining no justice over this sick individual. Which will hurt the most, no justice! My heart filled thoughts i have shared will fall into a labyrinth of printed words and be lost. Leaving me without the love of someone that I was given hope for. So I ask this! Please start highlighting good things that have happened rather than the opposite. When a huge story breaks, do people who work for a local news station get a sick satisfaction from someone Else's misfortune? Show us the good that is out there. Hearing of all the wrong in the world, all the time...its depressing? Why do these negative people seek me out? I am happy, I love my life, I have found ways to enjoy the beauty in others and laugh at every moment possible! We do not need the comfort to know that as bad as we may have it, someone else always has it worse than us. I don't know about you, but it doesn't make me all that comfortable and it does not me feel any better if something goes wrong in my life. It is adding to the down fall in my faith in good people and view the good as a dying breed.

I have been raised to be a loving, caring, trustworthy person and I am finding out the hard way to trust NO ONE. I find myself walking away from people heart broken for taking that leap of faith within them. I continue to tell myself to find the good in people...but that is becoming a hard task in my life that I am no longer willing to battle with. Giving my heart away is no longer an option for me. For now on, I am sticking to falling in love with only fictional charactors! Edward Cullen call me :)

What are we really politically fighting for? Buying boats and filling quotas are more important than cold people having coats and shelters or thirsty people with water to drink. Its so sad people are sick and cant even be seen by a doctor because our health care is not free. Free is definitely not the root word of freedom. Freedom can be the root to all evil if placed in the wrong hands. I vote for none of the above.

Rich people are considered hero's , sadly enough its the amount of zeros in their bank accounts that count. We pay entertainers 100 times the amount we pay the real hero's of society: police officers, doctors, judges, firemen, and other jobs protecting or educating our children. There are young children who cant even read but there are tall men who through rubber balls in net hoops that have plasma tv's in their 5th bathroom to watch themselves on. Do not get me wrong I am a sports fanatic but watching cribs on MTV surprises me. There are people starving yet we have people not appreciative of the opportunity to eat whatever and whenever they want and then throw half of it away. We have the option to order "a four-pattie heart attack on a bun" when some people would attack and kill for just the greedy people's deletions.

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